Sulit Solo, Premium Solo, and Premium Pamilya ProtekTODO
1. What is the required age to enroll in ProtekTODO policy?
For Sulit Solo, Premium Solo, and Premium Pamilya, an insured should be 17 to 70 years old upon enrollment. And for S5P insured should be 5-100 years old.
2. What is the maximum number of policies allowed per insured individual?
An insured can enroll up to five (5) policies only from any of the five (5) coverage. (Sulit Solo 20, Premium Solo 50 & Premium Pamilya and S5P).
3. Is valid ID required upon enrollment?
No, Customers can enroll in a policy without any valid ID. However, remind the customers that a valid ID is required upon claiming benefits.
4. Can a customer enroll for insurance without having a pawn and/or remittance transaction?
Yes. For ProtekTODO (20,50 & 100).
**Except for Sulit Singko which needs an existing PPS transaction to avail the policy.
5. Can a customer enroll for another individual's insurance policy?
Yes. But only for ProtekTODO (20,50 & 100). Given that the customer knows the indivual's complete name, home address, birthday and qualified dependent (for Premium Pamilya), he can purchase a policy **Except for Sulit Singko which needs theInsured to enroll himself in the policy.
6. Can a student avail of any Palawan ProtekTODO policy?
Yes, anyone can avail of the policy as long as they qualify the age requirement.
7. Can the claim be processed from any Palawan Pawnshop branch?
Yes. All necessary documents required to claim can be submitted for processing to any Palawan Pawnshop branch. **Except for Sulit Singko.
8. Can anyone be a beneficiary of an insurance policy?
For PAMILYA ProtekTODO, only the immediate family members are a qualified beneficiary following the given requirements:
With Single Status: Parents, 17 to 70 years old
Siblings, newborn to 21 years old, fully dependent on the insured
With Married Status: Spouse, 17 to 70 years old
Child/ren, newborn to 21 years old, fully dependent on the insured
9. Who will be the qualified dependents in Premium Pamilya ProtekTODO?
If the Principal is married, his/her Legal Spouse will be the qualified dependent while when the principal is single, his/her Parents will be the dependent/s. Likewise, the principal insured is the qualified beneficiary of the declared family members.
10. Can a nephew/niece, grandchild be a dependent?
No, in Premium Pamilya, only the immediate family members are qualified to be dependents.
11. If the Principal is single upon the enrollment, then after a month, he got married, does he need to change his civil status from single to married?
No need to change the civil status, as long as they can present their marriage certificate in case of a claim.
12. In Premium Pamilya, is it allowed that stepchild can be insured?
Yes, if the parent legally adopted the child and as long as they can present legal documents.
13. Can a child be enrolled as a dependent even if parents are not married?
Yes, the child could be enrolled, even if parents are not married, provided the principal insured is clearly identified as a parent in the birth certificate.
14. For Premium Pamilya, if the Legal Spouse died and there are 5 children, is it possible to replace the spouse with the child as a dependent?
No because the number of allowed children as dependents is a max of 4 only. And once the policy is enrolled, they can no longer add more or remove dependents.
15. Is it required to put the birthdate of the beneficiary on the program?
No, only the birthdate of the principal is needed. Just check the ages of dependents in Premium Pamilya if it is qualified.
16. In Premium Pamilya, is it possible to add a sibling/child that is married?
No, sibling/child is qualified if only they are single and not over 21 yrs. old.
17. In a motorcycle accident, the Insured fractured his bones, is it covered for permanent disablement?
No, the policy has no coverage for medical reimbursement, in total disablement, the claimant must be a vegetative state in order for the claim to be payable and in partial disablement, there must be physical severance (putol) or total use of body parts stated in the policy.
18. Can a private employer enroll his employees in ProtekTODO? Could he be a qualified beneficiary?
The customer could enroll his employees as principal insured (see #5) but he is not qualified to be the beneficiary. Only immediate family members are qualified.
19. For insured who are living in a boarding house, in the incident of fire, are they qualified to claim for assistance?
Yes, as long as he can present a certificate that they are a resident of the area affected.
20. How to claim educational assistance? (Premium Solo and Pamilya only)
In the event of death due to an accident of the principal insured, the beneficiary, if currently enrolled as a student, is qualified for a one-time payment of the educational assistance indicated (Php 2,500).
What if 3 students are currently enrolled, can they claim 2,500 each?
No, Educational assistance is for one-time payment for all the beneficiaries.
21. Does the customer need to comply with all the requirements once they reported on
the branch?
No, let the customer fill out the Notice of claim first and evaluate the claim after checking the incident if it is compensable, other documents are to follow.
22. When a Security Guard died due to a gunshot while on duty, can he claim for the benefit?
Depends on the incident. If there's no provocation, possible that the claim will be compensated.
23. For Accidental Death Claim, when is the start for counting of days for the Incident
Date to avoid late reporting?
It must be from the actual date of the accident and not the date of death.
24. How can ProtekTODO benefits be claimed?
The incident should be reported within thirty (30) days from the date of the incident. After this, the branch shall furnish the claimant with the list of required documents for the claim. Completed documents shall be submitted to any Palawan Pawnshop branch for evaluation. Claims are payable in cash.
25. Does the Permanent Disablement/ Partial Dismemberment will be considered as a valid claim if the accident is reported within 30 days, but the declaration of dismemberment was after 3-6 months from the date of the incident?
Yes, the date of the incident should be reported within 30 days at dismemberment after month/s of the said incident.
26. What if the principal has no immediate family and the grandmother is the only
guardian he has, does the grandma can claim for the benefit?
Yes, we will use the hierarchy of heirs if there's no family available. They will just provide a legal document/s in case of a claim.
27. Why is it required to have a medical statement stating that there is an amputation in the claim of dismemberment?
Because there will be no other medical records stating that there is an amputation, and it is the right of the Insurance provider to ask for any other additional document/s for their checking on certain claims.
28. In Premium Solo and Premium Pamilya, in an incident of the principal died due to her pregnancy, does the cause of covered for the Natural Death benefit?
No, any pregnancy-related causes will not be compensated in the policy.
29. Does the 180 days waiting period also applicable for Premium Solo?
Yes, both applicable in Premium Solo and Premium Pamilya.
30. Who will be the qualified claimant if we didn't put a beneficiary for Sulit and Premium Solo in the program?
If married: Legal Spouse
If single: Parents
What if Spouse or parent is not available? Any immediate family or will use the hierarchy of heirs.
31. Is the Suki card still applicable for discounts?
Yes, it is still the same, a 5% discount for SukiCard holders.
Applicable in all policies. **Except, Sulit Singko ProtekTODO
32. Is Batch enrollment applicable for all policies?
Yes, a 10% discount for a minimum of 30 enrollees.
33. Is it applicable to transact batch enrollment with different policies?
Yes, as long as PLAN/Amount details in excel were correct.
34. Is there a maximum pcs in transacting batch enrollment?
There's no maximum or limit, just a minimum of 30 enrollees.
35. How to avail 10% in renewal?
In order to avail of the renewal discount, the policy must be expired. The customer is given two weeks after the expiration of the policy for him to avail of the discount.
39. How much is the Sulit Singko? And how many times can a customer enroll in this policy?
P5.00. A customer can enroll on how many he wants to, but a max of 5 policies will be compensated once there's a claim.
36. What are the benefits of S5P?
i. Accidental Death benefit (Motorcycle, Unprovoked Murder & Assault)
ii. Death due to Any Cause (Natural Death or Death due to Sickness
iii. Cash Assistance Death Benefit (due to Accidental Death) P2,500.00
37. What is the validity of S5P? Can it be renewed?
S5P is valid for 1-month (30 days). It is not renewable, but a customer can enroll in a new policy after the expiration date of the current policy.
38 . Who will be the qualified Insured in S5P?
All PPS customers that have a transaction in PEPP Send and Received (domestic & international), Sangla, MC, E-load, Padala to Bank, Bills Payment, etc.
If Minor availed the S5P, he needs to have a guardian in availing the policy.
39. Does S5P requires a beneficiary to be the claimant?
No, Automatic beneficiary will be the immediate family of the Insured.
If Married: Legal Spouse and child/ren/.
If Single: Parent/s and Siblings
40. What are the exclusions of S5P?
There are no exclusions in S5P, except for Pre-existing condition.
But this is still subject to evaluation from our end.
41. In S5P, how many days does the incident need the claimant to report?
Within 30 days after the incident.
42. In case of a claim, what is the process for the beneficiary?
The beneficiary should go to the availing branch where the Insured availed the S5P. They need to present the form of transaction where the printed details of the S5P or text notification received.
**In case there's no proof for the form, just find the transaction name of the Insured In the PPSIIS.
43. What if for the redeemed transaction? Can the customer avail of the S5P?
YES, the customer can avail of the S5P. Just use the Pawn ticket for keep the pawn ticket, just find the generated COR number in the IIS and print it on the PEPP form, let the customer write his name, and have it signed. Get the PEPP form for the branch filing.
Make sure that the customer hasn't availed of the S5P when he pawned/renewed within one month.
44. What if the customer pawned today and availed of the S5P? After that day, he
redeemed his pawn. Is the S5P policy still valid?
Yes, it is still valid, because before he availed the policy, he has an existing transaction.
45. Can a customer enroll for other people in S5P policy, or the Insured is not on the actual branch? What if you're enrolling for someone else?
No, whoever goes to the branch, they are automatically insured.
46. Can a foreign avail our ProtekTODO Insurance?
Yes, they can avail the policy as long as if there is a claim, the incident/accident happened in the Philippines.
47. Does the live-in partner can be a dependent in Premium Pamilya?
Live-in partners or common-law wife or husband will be considered as Legal Spouse and will be part of the principal insured's dependent on the policy.
**Note: A certificate from the Barangay or Affidavit of Cohabitation must be provided.
48. Is it still required to put the complete address on the program for Sulit Solo 20,
Premium Solo 50 and Premium Pamilya 100?
No, A period or dot (.) may instead be typed on the address field
to proceed with the transaction. In case of claims for fire assistance, the
insured shall be required to submit a certification from the barangay that he
is a resident of the affected area.